Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd.
Fairfax, VT 05454
November 2, 1998
Who Dares to see What?
things are coming loose everywhere.
someone sent me a newspaper article in one column as big as four fingers.
the article informed that the Antarctic ice shelf cracked off a section
as big as Delaware a few days ago.
the iceberg is ninety-two miles long and thirty miles wide,
according to reports of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
i believe it.
the article was too small to say what anyone surmised might happen
from this global warming evidence.
i confess, i did not know what to do or say about it at the time.
i keep noticing that when some very big things happen, reports of them in newspapers are very small.. this ice crack for example.
i also recognize when some very small news makes big huge headlines
for weeks or months. its true that sexual mistakes can be identified with…
as in, the President’s intern escapades. it’s also true that Antarctica breaking-up is too big for anyone to know what on earth should or could be done about it.
no one knows what might happen as a result.
i mean, no one seems to dare to say, “don’t live by the ocean”..
yet everyone remarks, “he shouldn’t have gotten caught doing that stuff.”
i know that once, in the past somewhere, Albert Einstein remarked to the effect that we needed to have new problems that could not be solved by yesterday’s thinking to have futures unlike the past.
i suppose it all depends on where one wants to look.
some advice i have for myself and any one else who might welcome unsolicited advice, look for real news in small pieces stuck around edges of the other stuff in your newspaper.
read it even if you are not sure what it means. . .