We Have a Healthy Peopled Peaceful World
- Each day we are happy to see ordinary people as Peacemakers passing up contention and creating contentment.
- PROGRAMS FOR PEACE show up in all institutions.
- Home makers make home a peaceful place to be. Gratitude abounds.
- HOSTAGES ARE FREED by everyday people changing their world.
- Strife turns into surprising negotiations instead…
- Corridors. of peace appear on borders and circle to the center.
- Conflict has become a creative source for new ideas.
- Everyone is sticking their neck out for someone else.
- Peaceful resolution lives in hearts of city dwellers as well as rural people.
- Ordinary people are having a voice in giving peace, a chance.
- Governments come to tables to negotiate and share food together.
- Psychological groundwork now results in meetings of minds where war once was.
- Unconditional cease-fire breaks out where war used to be.
- Moratoriums put bombing out of business.
- Local assemblies gather to disapprove of armed battle. They make their will known certainly.
- Interviewers, translators, writers and reporters help peace to prevail in all that they touch.
- Politicians and individuals realize a healthy peopled peaceful world is what’s required.
- People are tired and disempowered by fighting, today
- Children spread talk about simple truth.
- Older people become instruments of peace.
- Busy people make time to create harmonies.
- Heavy artillery breaks down refusing to perform more.
- Armed skirmishes look silly now and everyone sees it.
- Conflict is resolved easily everywhere today.