today i repair broken lines of communication.
re-establishing a connection to
the divine energy of the CREATOR
is my job for this season.
what impedes progress is gladly given up today.
i know how to connect to the power of word and action….
and that’s what i am doing now.
cold and bitter behavior obstructs my good.
i give up any tendancies and attitudes in that direction.
i look inward and identify my faults in this
autumn season…i admit and reconfigure behaviors that missed the mark.
i ask forgiveness.
i eagerly uproot traits that don’t take me where i really intend to go in this lifetime.
i alter destiny in this way.
i am grateful to be awake to these opportunities
to clean house and get up online with intentions.
i give up tragic stories and self pity as smoke screens.
melodramatic inclinations leave me now. i play true.
i manifest intentions in the world for myself and others.
i no longer strive only to get good for myself.
i serve the future and share what i get…..
i am more generous than i have ever been.