the thinking that causes bad feelings

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd                                                                                     December 2004
Fairfax, VT 05454

the thinking that causes bad feelings

it’s been
a really fine HOLIDAY SEASON. something shifted somewhere.
people, altho still having holiday upsets, are having milder
versions of them…getting over them faster… and turning them
to blessing sooner. i am grateful in years past, we have
been on the phone long hours with moods, weeping, despair and financial hopelessnesses
trying to open the possibility of
writing, laughing, thoughts for other people and good thinking.

this year, people are showing the SPIRIT REQUIRED to turn
little and big disturbances into laughing matters, miracles
and cause for rejoicing… a new ability to master “moldy thinking” has happened.
the qualities of prosperity consciousness
are not something attained over night but once they have shown up, they are there foreverl!!
nothing is softer than water.
yet it wears away the hardest rock.
learning to adjust the thinking that causes bad feelings
is a skill that, like a muscle, demands use, to be effective and valuable. thank God, it’s showing up everywhere.
thank you for your part in promoting a change-of-thought
for humans everywhere. good blessings to you!

toni stone

