Toni Stone June 27, 2009
401 Buck Hollow Road
Fairfax, VT 0545
the power of a question
the best way to become a person of possibility,
instead of a person of problem, is not known to people.
they continue to whine and foam at the mouth about their difficulties
and how hard everything is.
no one seems to realize that hard things can be good, they generate what’s next.
most pregnant possibilities come from what was hard.
people are asleep in the matter complaining.
i know some folks who not only complain but they dress their difficulties up
in extra embroidered outfits to make them sound more obtuse, more angular, more worse,
so people listening will be more admiring of what an awful angst ridden life the teller has.
people are reporting their problems full time, full speed, full emotion.
they ask themselves useless questions like,
“why is everything so tough?” and “why can’t i stop doing the stupid stuff that catches up with me later?” or,
“why do i keep on making the same crude mistakes over and over?”
the power does not reside in such useless questions that begin with the word why.
trying to sell snow to eskimos doesn’t really work either.
the question that begins with how generates the most useful answers. “how can i pay my mortgage?” ,
“how can i get the pool functioning before the summers over?” ,”how can i do what i meant to do?” ,
“how can i create more business?” ,“how can i create more usefulness for myself so i can have more income?”
these helpful questions bring an answer, which when lived into. . .create a new version of self.
a revised, reedited extension that can probably empower
the way fuel empowers a rocket ship to become intergalactic .