The Litany Of Disappointment


• everything, person and situation is a disappointment.
it’s a matter of time eventually.
disappointment is okay and i am still happy…

• disappointment is innate in all experiences.
the greater determination the more disappointment.
disappointment is okay and i am still happy…

• to see there is nothing that i really “need” makes attractive
the possibility of detachment, otherwise,
detachment would be a terrible punishment.

• disappointment is okay and i am still happy…
can i be happy in the face of such great disappointment? yes i can.

• disappointment is okay and i am still happy…
to the reactionary egoic mind, there is only disappointment.
i can determine life is about being happy
in the middle of all circumstances,
even disappointment which is innate in life.

• it is possible to be prosperous, have goals, intentions and
continue happily in the face of all disappointments.

• disappointment is okay and i am still happy…
yes, everything changes and it’s perfect.

•  disappointment is okay and i am still happy…
i am fully engaged in all that life offers…

•   disappointment is okay
i am still happy…and grateful.

