Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax, VT 05454 Aug. 1, 2008
the kind of giver that prospers most…
have to keep recalling that each time i give, i am giving to myself. . .and, only to myself.
after, i remember that. . .then possibly the other person can receive something from it but,
i have to wake up be the kind of a giver that prospers most..
one has to be cognizant that she has already gotten a huge benefit by even having it to give.
in this consciousness…one starts to see, ceaselessly, that the blessing has continued. ..
one notices the favors, bonuses and bounty that occur…
one begins to live in the flow of giving, getting, then giving still again.
then it becomes clear, from an experiential perspective, that what’s required is always present.
finally you can really be certain of that. giving like a pillar, a sturdy pillar, holds up all of your life
and it can certainly be relied on, depended on, and become a joyful habit.