the claim 

the claim 

 “for everything you have missed, you have gained something else.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson 

 i know that Catherine Ponder said, “nothing has ever been taken away from you, that won’t be replaced by something greater,
no matter how long it takes.” i know i found that hard to believe decades ago. it took some real observations and experiences
to portray the validity of this claim. 

i know that it really happens that way.i had to remember the important phrase, “no mater how long it takes,”
because when people are shortsighted, they miss that good news.
they miss the better because they stop working for the what’s next.
it gets replaced with, “i got cheated and wronged,”

and that is sandwiched in with, “and it’s not fair.” this obstructs observations that would
claim merit for what Catherine said. 

 my experience of saying goodbye to a marriage partnership, left me with a good long patch of time without a committed partnership.
in that time, i practiced seeing men as people, friends and allies,
 but not romantic partners.
that time provided an education in seeing men as men, who were not identical to the ways woman like to live, talking about everything. 

 the education i derived from celibacy and work partnerships taught lessons i needed, to establish another marriage…
on solid ground, knowing the authentic differences between men and women
… not being insulted when my husband didn’t act like mother, daughter or girlfriend. 

 everything lost was replaced by something or someone better
and sometimes the education needed to attract or retain that good, takes a while. 

our job is to hold the bigger picture
and be certain about the good on it’s way. 

