New Year, Quiet Times New Year, Quiet Times • in winter i am content to have happy quiet time to rest and reaffirm all kinds of new benefits. • with focus and growing...
A Grace Filled Holiday A Grace Filled Holiday • we are grateful to our CREATOR for everything given... we give thanks for lives that have joy, sharing, opportunities,...
money moving or not Toni Stone Dec. 15, 2004 401 Buck Hollow Rd Fairfax, VT 05454 money moving or not i was thinking money...
I have it to give I have it to give no matter how much i think “i already shared,” or “okay, i have shared enough now,” it’s never the end of sharing and giving....
I am leaving behind I am leaving behind ♥ i am leaving behind the ideas i learned about money. ♥ i am leaving behind the ideas i was taught about money. ♥ i am leaving...
I have a clear space to work I have a clear space to work ♥ i am free of useless chatter. there is a space to begin. ♥ i have space-to-work today, and i do what is mine to do......