Results: perseverance

Happy Opportunities

Happy Opportunities this month there are happy opportunities and so we welcome the challenge that life is. we no longer shrink from the...

Good Outcomes

Good Outcomes endless, unlimited good comes from everywhere. everything is going successfully though quietly.  i have increased assurances of good...


BEING FULLY BEGINNING Today i enjoy being human. i do not try to escape. i move fully human, fully expressed. Saints did not live in caves, they...

seen it before. . .

Toni Stone                                      Oct. 9, 2003 401 Buck Hollow Rd. Fairfax, VT 05454 seen it before. . . seasons come. . . seasons go....

that chunk of cacah

Toni Stone                                             Aug. 26, 2003 401 Buck Hollow Road Fairfax, VT 05454 that chunk of cacah if people told...

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