Results: obstruction

to do it anyway. . .

Toni Stone                                                        may 30, 2009 401 Buck Hollow Road Fairfax, VT 05454 to do it anyway. . . i notice...

this is nothing trying to be something

Toni Stone                                                 April 5, 2007 401 Buck Hollow Rd Fairfax, VT 05454 this is nothing trying to be something...

Beyond What Seems to Be

Beyond What Seems to Be we can think independently of seeming existing conditions... to put joy in place of grief, to put abundance where lack...

Letting go of old favorite problems

Letting go of old favorite problems today we let go of problems and find better things to do... if things are way too complicated the chance is they...

freely and happily i forgive

freely and happily i forgive ♥  i affirm and fully participate with life around me. ♥  i forgive everyone and everything that has annoyed me. today...

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