peace with my parents peace with my parents ♥ i am the source of making peace with my own parents. ♥ out of the previous, comes the present. ♥ i am here by grace of my...
freely and happily i forgive freely and happily i forgive ♥ i affirm and fully participate with life around me. ♥ i forgive everyone and everything that has annoyed me. today...
today i repair broken lines of communication. today i repair broken lines of communication. re-establishing a connection to the divine energy of the CREATOR is my job for this season. what...
Happiness happiness when i give up the idea that i have to do everything on my own. . .i win, and so do all those around me. that tight clench of solitary...
good is on its way to me good is on its way to me thankful already, i know good is in store for me. i do attract greater good into my life now. i am cutting through some...
winter good cheer winter good cheer I am located in good cheer. I welcome this winter time to have fun … laugh and rest up for spring sprout and surge. I refuse...