Facing Difficulty with Ease Facing Difficulty with Ease goodbye to fear which limits energy... CERTAINTY CREATES... we have divine ideas with us. we have a perfect sense of...
God’s Law of Appropriate Adjustment God’s Law of Appropriate Adjustment when reaching the point of despair... we get ready to try something new and different and see we are unable, of...
not-able-to-be-managed not-able-to-be-managed ...it used to be the case that no one could tell me what-to-do, advise me, give a helpful opinion...ONLY I could tell me...
Good Prevails good prevails i turn to the presence of pure light at the center of being. i discover the GOOD that is always here. i am grateful again to return...
Things To Do Today things to do today ...claim dominion over material world. let go of thoughts that scare you... stop thinking of what seems scarce. start thinking...