Results: change

good prevails

good prevails i turn to the presence of pure light at the center of being. i discover the GOOD that is always here. i am grateful again to return...

the thinking that causes bad feelings

Toni Stone 401 Buck Hollow Rd                                                                                     December 2004 Fairfax, VT 05454...

Bye Bye Yesterday

Bye Bye Yesterday today we are willing to let go of past pain, regret, aggravation and feelings that things should have been better. we are getting...


Toni Stone                                                        Oct. 24, 2008 401 Buck Hollow Rd Fairfax, VT 05454 complaining there is such a...

the claim 

the claim   "for everything you have missed, you have gained something else." -Ralph Waldo Emerson   i know that Catherine Ponder said, "nothing has...

reflecting like the moon

Toni Stone                                  Aug. 12, 2008 401 Buck Hollow Rd Fairfax, VT 05454 reflecting like the moon might as well be on the...

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