
Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Road
Fairfax, VT 05454

provided                                                         dec. 19, 2000

i used to have cats that basically ignored me, as in, i know you are there but who cares.
i would run after them to pat them or talk to them.
now i have a cat that follows me all over the house, room by room, minute by minute he perches on some surface in each room,
tucks his paws under and watches me even if i am in each room only to get a glass or a pen, he comes too. because he wants to.
he has nothing better to do because there is nothing else he want to do.

I notice in my mind i am trying to make him into a pest,
or say what he really wants is a cracker, or patting, or for me to talk to him.
but it’s really not true
he simply wants to be with me
and i see i find that a little hard to accept… the adoring attention of a fellow creature.

in the same avenue of great benefit, i can’t help noticing that everything is working out for us this holiday,
from parking places, to unsuspected money coming in.
everything we need and want to set up an office in Boston,
to provide Christmas for my family to be able to bring gifts,
provide meals,
and mail out mom and dad’s gifts too.

it’s all provided. it’s shattering to who i used to be
to accept this and be changed into a satisfied person.
it’s just like that pink index card at the bottom of the driveway said when Steve picked it up this summer
“i provided
it is provided”

