Perpetual Light

Perpetual Light

  • life always gives… blessed be eternal life.
  • we are comforted. no sorrow or bitterness prevails.
  • love is stronger than any appearance of ending.
  • Perpetual light now shines on ______________________.
  •  the pathway of __________________ is illuminated brightly today. unbroken faith links us together. NOTHING CAN DISTURB OUR TOGETHERNESS…
    light prevails…everlasting GOODNESS IS TRUE.
  • strength and gratitude lifts us from darkness.
  • there is joyful expectation today for all of us.
  • ______________ walks a path of radiant light.
  • blessed be the continuance of life, in all its various forms.
  • we evoke an intentional state to affirm stress, sadness, and anxiety dissolve
    around the transition of _____________.
  • comforting clarity is within this situation now in both visible and invisible worlds…
  • divine power provides strength…
  • everyone experiences required change with resiliency, peaceful persistence,
    courage and empowerment.
  • all is well in every moment for everyone.
  • grief becomes gratitude. thankfulness expands.

