none of my business?

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax, VT 05454

none of my business?                                                      June 26, 2008

i remember when i was a child i was always interested in whatever anyone else was doing and why.
my Mother had a constant warning going at me called, “it’s none of your business!!”
i always thought everything i saw was my business because i was observing it.
i grew up thinking i was a deranged nosey misfit.. that i had a character defect and i worked hard
at trying to convince myself that I should mind my own business. it didn’t work.

thankfully sometime in my thirties, i was able to make the distinction that everyone was my business.
i quickly went into business then, as an entrepreneur, talking to people about their lives and businesses.
recently i read the story of the man on an expensive cruise who was awakened past midnight by a terrible series of noises
in the next cabin. he got up, put on a robe and knocked on the door to see what was happening.
the guy in the room making the noise, told him it was none of his business, that he was drilling
a huge hole in the bottom of the floor of his cabin,
going deeper and deeper into the bottom of the ships floor.
the man in the bathrobe started screaming that if he didn’t stop the whole ship would sink.
he called the ship police and the digger was arrested.
most people would never have gotten into a bathrobe
and banged on the cabin door. why? simply because they were taught, “it’s none of your business. be nice.

i’m grateful i outgrew the earlier message, we float or sink together. one planet. one people.
how foolish to not recognize we are all in the same boat. one persons actions
can save the whole boat or sink it.
time for the new message, everyone is your business.
wake up and start getting involved.

.. open a door. …listen in. …participate.


