My Giving Makes Me Rich
- the more I give, the more I get…
- giving and getting are the same.
- the more I give…the more I get.
- today I leave behind thoughts of scarcity.
- money is for circulating today.
- generosity is a natural way of being.
- generosity improves my ability to remember that I deserve to prosper and so do you!
- I am willing today to give up hesitance about having and freely circulating money.
- I am transforming my relationship with money.
- my doubts about generosity are disappearing.
- giving is a natural extension of. being.
- I enjoy generous giving and abundant receiving.
- giving creates receptivity to getting.
- all that I give is multiplied and returned to me… universal eternal laws demonstrate time and time again.
- I feel my natural urge to extend what I have…and today i act on it.
- I smooth the edges of any worries today by giving rather than by contracting and holding.
- I remember no one has ever become poor by giving.
- I give with a cheerful heart.
- the enthusiasm I have in giving, moves others to give more.
- I go beyond the thought that giving is a loss.
- I expand my ability to give generously.
- my giving makes me rich.
- giving is an expression of trust in life.