Magnanimity is a word many find impossible to remember how to pronounce. over and over this occurs in classrooms.
once people master saying magnanimity, right after that, they can’t say it again.
after noticing that it is difficult to say, we can see living it, is more than difficult.
even thinking about it is more than can be dealt with by many for too long.

a Boston man laughed many times at his inability to say the word magnanimity.
he said, “i think you need to have a class about what this word exactly means.”
i said, “okay”. i scheduled it.
he didn’t sign up.

the structural strength to endure adversity for a greater idea and greater results,
will surely break apart what anyone was, to make them into what could be.

people want more of everything but they also want, to stay the exact way they have always been.

you can’t stay the same and become more.
you cant have more without being more.
being more means expansive….opening out….
more caring….sharing and giving.

i know a woman who wants to be in relationship, a partnership.
we tell her, “you are so insular, you are so wrapped tight, you are such a small package of self concern.
how can you ever be with some special someone if you can’t be more available to your buddies and friends?”
she says she is willing to learn.

where do you start?
by pointing out closed down reactions.
when you point out how she doesn’t return calls, how she doesn’t call you back after leaving a heated up message asking for help… she gets angry. when she understands how keeping to herself is a habit..
there is a stubborn stance of “i don’t’ want to be told what to do”.. she says,
when she is reminded, that she asked for assistance in renegotiating old habits… she disappears.
no one hears from or sees her for weeks…until everyone involved has forgotten what the conversation even was.
…trying to move from generosity to magnanimity isn’t much easier.
generosity is not, a widely lived way, to begin with… that’s the main difficulty.
without getting on the first rung of a ladder, it’s more of a chore arriving at the top.
first one has to be generous. before magnanimous occurs.

generosity has to do with sharing what one already knows they have. magnanimity is more involved with giving more than what one thinks they can afford,
like making a pledge rather than a one time gift. magnanimity is like that… a courage for the imagined, visioned results of a future heretofore unseen.

people have immeasurable fatigue just thinking about blowing the circuits on who they have been…
about giving more than they can seem to afford,
but what one thinks affordable is based on the past.
the future is a new country.

if an acorn couldn’t believe it was an oak tree, the whole world would be so much poorer.
the acorn would direct all its activities, like a little nut, never knowing what was possible,
only bound by what could be seen, “how would that exhibit a divine design? it would not.

the little acorn nut would have to operate from visionary ideas..
imagine burying yourself saying, “i don’t know why, but i feel like i need this time to be dark and alone.
it seems like the end of the world.”

it would be the end. the end of little acorn nut world. the sad, dark, lonely world of under the ground would start.
water, sun and soil then transform the little acorn nut into a huge oak tree in time, little by little,
it would crack open with possibility, the recipe for its release from the little acorn nut world is already within its very form.

it could become what it is… this is so much greater than what it thought it was…
this is a story of magnanimity’s transforming ability.
no less than total transformation! when a caterpillar becomes butterfly, it leaves a world, on the ground behind.
no acorn has to be an oak tree.

magnanimity practiced will open up the world you came from and put you in the driver’s seat,
making you a captain when you thought you were a passenger.

when one gives and shares beyond what was possible, it becomes apparent then, anything is possible.
the divine leading that coaches us to help others, solve big problems and accept responsibility for huge happenings
is always trying to operate through one who can practice magnanimity.
it is for the good of all… for the bigger picture….for the whole design.
the same way oak tree is always trying to happen through the seed of an acorn.
it’s what the acorn was made for.
the acorn came from an oak tree.
the oak tree the acorn fell from, had surrendered to being what it was…
it had the strength of its own innate, divinely given design of persisting through all appearances to be what it was created to be.
it went through all stages and ages. it became what was next to be.

it said YES.

