I love Christmas

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Road
Fairfax, VT 05454

I love Christmas                                                                 dec. 3, 2000

I love Christmas. i don’t just like Christmas, i love Christmas.
when an animal gets out of a tub of water and is dripping, they shake and cramble so the water is disbursed,
then they lick every shrank of fur till it all lies straight to dry right….
that’s a little like how overcome with joy for no reason i am at Christmas. i can’t explain it.
i love Christmas so much i had to move to Vermont, have three fire places, snow out the window seven months a year and a daughter named Noelle.
i usually have a Santa in every room all year long that’s how much i love Christmas.
red and green the yule colors are my colors all year long. i love Christmas.
I am enrolled in celebrating light overcoming dark all year long but the only time i can get any agreement on it, is at Christmas.
i am grateful, thankful that others want to give, create, nurture and celebrate too.
Christmas music? i have more than one hundred Christmas audio tapes and cd’s. i listen to them in July, in march all over the year.
Christmas music is profound to me. it moves my heart to want to be better at loving and giving than i have been yet.
candle light is permitted, lit up houses, trees and ribbons are allowed for the yule. people loving and blessing each other.

all this has space for humans at Christmas
even cats can wear ribbons on their necks.
people get off it about hoarding and share everything they have.
you can jingle bells, kiss people on the lips and weep for loving all creatures at Christmas.

i love Christmas.

