how we want it to be

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax, VT 05454                                         Aug. 16, 2008

how we want it to be

• simply to deal with life…not to take it personal is the habit of being authentic.
• looking to, and for others, without having to prove anything
or appear any particular way, is the habit of being authentic.
• to be willing to appear as a fool, no big deal, to be willing
to appear as whatever is needed, is the habit of authenticity.

we all started out authentic, then such a huge wave of energy
got engaged to ornament authenticity,
it wasn’t genuine any more.

when working in a world such as this. of folks with issues and problems abounding,
to be authentic, will make everything easier.
full of many different kinds

otherwise, one can spend hours, weeks, and years trying to get
to ground level, so the real work can get started.
this is both intelligent and elegant.
this is how we want it to be.

