How Does Your Garden Grow?

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd.
Fairfax, VT 05454

How Does Your Garden Grow?                                      
July 29, 1999

the garden is a lot like any business. some years one pays rapt attention to it…
engaged with it for months before the first thaw, ordering catalogs, drawing diagrams,
planning where the compost will be going.. and where fences will be erected.
other years, other people start the plants, other people plant them in rows and perhaps
one never even roams the rows to see how fast tomatoes are getting red. . or where the borage went.
some years when i was watching, watering, breathing easy on the leaves, counting them early every morning out there
with the hose at day break.. maybe there were twenty terrific basil pickings of a few green leaves each.

this year there is so much basil one can hardly even get on the garden walk-way. basil blossoms started in June.
the plants are eighteen inches high. i am learning to delegate and the rewards are memorable.
i am learning to delegate because i cannot personally do everything.
i am learning to delegate when i see that if i am watering tomatoes in the afternoon, i am not writing the letters
that must be written or making the calls that only i can make.

autumn-born people have a hard time learning to ask for, accept and pay for the help required…
i think i am finally blooming as a business owner, to see how good my garden can grow
when i don’t always have to be the one in it.

