happy is a decision

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax, VT 05454

happy is a decision                                                    Nov. 26, 2007

i think it’s not a personal problem when things go some way that wasn’t really planned. .
in fact, when i look back over the past, a hefty amount of things are out-of-order
most of the time. that means they are not going in the way I would make them go,
If I could control everything. you know what i mean.

the point i want to make, to myself and to you, is that, who ever made us think
it would be the way we wanted every day? even all the best things that came my way
were truly unexpected. they were unexpected patterns that emerged,
where i had surmised another kind of thing in it’s place.

for instance, i never thought i would meet my future husband at a class that i was teaching, but in New Hampshire, there he was, at the back of the room,
fully enthusiastic about the subject of prospering.

when i see how i want to get all morose and downtrodden
when certain things don’t fall into my “predescribed pattern of expectation”..
how come i don’t remember all the fantastic outcomes that showed up that way too?
and what about you?

haven’t you finally gotten the idea that “things being out of order” is not really bad news after all or a personal problem?

i hope we can remember this, as we continue to go deeper into the new year,
where the ego would prefer us depressed, complaining and sure
that we have been ripped-off in some way or another.
the choice and decision to be happy and satisfied, is an inside job.

