Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd.
Fairfax, VT 05454
greater strength of mind
august 11, 2012
when i consider that being in charge of my own thinking is the major job of this life time,
it sounds so very simple…then, i move into acton,
to put it into practice, and i am surprised,
then even shocked to discover what the thoughts are in any particular moment!
i notice that mostly one doesn’t notice what the thoughts are in any particular moment.
this discernment is a superior skill.
some of my thoughts are really mine and i am actively thinking them.
other thoughts can be recognized by deep sighs or huffing…
these thoughts are stuff like, “what’s the use?..” or, “i am so burdened…” or, “this is too hard,” or,
“it shouldn’t be this way,” or even, “this isn’t fair that i should have to deal with this.”
yes! all this from a mouth sound. some of my most oppositional thinking is deeper than words,
it is mouth noses that betray the meaning…
if i am not aware, these meanings make me take a hike off the trail
of where i wanted to even be going.
to have greater strength of mind, i need greater awareness.
the Buddhists call it mindfulness. i have to notice where I am driving my own bus,
and when it’s headed off a cliff.
this is a skill that requires years of practice being cognizant…
being responsible for what the thoughts are, both spoken and unspoken.