God’s Law of Appropriate Adjustment

God’s Law of Appropriate Adjustment

when reaching the point of despair…
we get ready to try something new and different and see we are unable, of ourselves, alone anymore to do it.
we call upon God sincerely for real help.

now we are ready to live and move,
showing willingness to abandon our own plans,

our own reasons, our own sense of how-it-should-be….

now, we can see and hear, what is possible.
now, we can let it in. now, we can have no fear
as to the consequences…. and only now,
can GOD’S LAW OF APPROPRIATE ADJUSTMENT begin to govern messes
that were made. GOD’S LAW can and will
take possession and manage the circumstance.
the whole situation can be placed in God’s care.

we cannot expect this LAW to operate in our interest, if indulging any human ideas about
how it should go, do it’s work or turn out.
we must completely give up our own sense of

it’s route of reformation. we instead say this:
if this understanding is established,
and we feel certain that life’s-meaning-is-not-mean…
that the-pattern-we-are-part-of will not hurt us because we surrendered. only then IN FULL TRUST can we place ourselves in God’s care, GIVING SERENE THANKS that God is able

to properly assess the chaos to bring beneficent order….
that GOD CAN REALLY crank out another miracle!
then no power on earth can prevent the PROPER ADJUSTMENT of all discordant situations.

we can then, in every thought, work and action allow life to be a DEMONSTRATION, an EVIDENCE of miraculous intervention… a conversation with the DIVINE that lasts forever and is filled with miracles.

