Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd.
Fairfax, Vt. 05454 nov. 2, 1998
future like the past or future unlike the past?
the MIND’S EYE is a lot like reflective glass in a room where trees
out the window behind you, can be seen in the glass, of the cabinet
in front of you.
the MIND’S EYE can see whatever part of what’s been put to it,
that one wants to draw up. that’s the choice.
that is already going on.
the question could be obvious “what will i see today?”
selections are made whether choices are conscious or not.
if not conscious, choices are historical.
one will think the very way one was taught to think when too young
to have a choice about it. this is how so often it has been noted
“people become their parents”.
the MIND’S EYE can and must be trained for what’s intended.
otherwise it will certainly bring what has already been the case.
for futures unlike the past,
new thoughts centered-on-what-is-intended are required.
the MIND’S EYE is a projector to play films already loaded into it
or films currently being loaded into it….
new movies or reruns….
this is the only choice.