Freedom is
mine to have,
i am choosing it.
real freedom is
the ability to
choose miracles.
i give up the urge to suffer and talk about it
over and over …. at great lengths today…
I am conscious and present
I leave behind falling asleep
in my spiritual practice…
Goodbye ego, addictions, negative behaviors,
darkness, and all manner of chaos.
I am released from whats not needed now.
I am bringing in more good by willingly facing
weaknesses that were hidden..
whats been hidden is revealed.
I bring divine order’s influence
by being true to good thoughts
and intentions of good outcomes.
I am continuously committed
to my spiritual practices… that i selected
they keep me positive, energetic and optimistic.
i am grateful for the wisdom to have a practice of tools,
perspectives and good company to practice in.
I am setting up for miracles,
order, joy, excellence and fine results.
healing Adventure begins..
An awakening is at hand…
knowledge is obvious.
i Pull weeds,
i plant seeds.
That which I already am
becomes apparent to me.
good progress…
excellent process.
clues and cues,
cross correlate
and emerge for
a greater picture
of satisfying
outcomes now.