examining plenty

examining plenty

prosperity is limitless
money is a symbol of exchange
exchange can never be limited
plenty is already so in many places
each situation is an opportunity for plenty
to express again
distance between us and prosperity,
is self inflicted for protection
more is uncomfortable and forces us to change less keeps things like they already are, or worse

people bring us good unceasingly
what we get is only equal to the perception of it an ever reliable source of supply is available
for constant use…
limitation is first in mind.
plenty is the ever present possibility,

in mind it is already to lay hold of…
whatever is given returns multiplied.
giving is the beginning of increase greater giving insures greater receiving
giving and having are the same
what’s given can only be given, if you agree that you have it.
we will only give what is willing to be received.
receiving is only done by the vulnerable… changes occur as a result of receiving.

changes occur as a result of giving too
whatever is praised increases
contribution must be accepted to prosper
as we give, we increase the plenty already present

