Toni Stone april 10, 2005
401 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax, VT 05454
. . .don’t go as expected
i shouldn’t act surprised when things don’t go as expected.
often it’s like that. no matter what i do or how i do it,
or don’t do it, unexpected patterns do emerge.
it happens.
i am working on a better interface. i am learning to say simply, “oh.”
i am learning to always have either plan B or an expectation that something better can happen, if not, what the first plan was.
i have the kind of family that can help with training me in these matters. we have a lot of mind changers, a lot of plan breakers.
it’s perfect training to deal with what i didn’t expect. it’s perfect training to remind me that something different might be better. . .
it’s perfect training to be a peaceful buddhist. . .
if i was a buddhist.
i am remembering to be more grateful, to be more genuinely thankful, to appreciate the essential good prompt this is, not to be stuck on
any one outcome, not to forget that everything is impermanent
in this here world, not to be inflexible.
there can be great joy in broken plans,
different outcomes and what wasn’t expected,
but it can’t be planned ahead.
oh well.