doing what I said i would do oct. 5, 1998
this was the third year of birthday quilt shows. the first year,
i cared a lot about how special the day would be, who would come, and
how quilts would look. the second year i wanted it to be better.
there were more quilts, more people, better flowers and pumpkins.
we hung quilts all over, down by the pool up by the grotto, and
on the house. we had music, helpers and visiting wasps sipping the apple cider.
so, i was surprised this year when time came to gear up about the quilt show, i didn’t seem to care much….didn’t pay close attention to which quilts would go where. didn’t plan the best possible menu either. i felt like i would like to forget the whole ordeal and to go a museum instead but i stayed true to what i said. we went ahead anyway.
the quilts looked beter than i thought they would. Steve hung lines
from the pine tree. all sixty five lap quilts got hung right near the house after all. the canopy tent held a dozen more. a new kitchen provided food right outside the garage door. it was easy to deliver quiches and hash browns onto the recycle bin and adjoining tables.
John came from Boston to help. he had the raucous idea to ring a big bell each time someone purchased a quilt. the bell rang all afternoon. pillow cases and quilts disappeared off the lines and went home
with happy buyers. there was no music but the birds and the bell. pumpkins were everywhere. not that attached, i lounged around and had a good time myself. Angelo the cat sat on quilts piled on the car.
he jumped every time the bell rang. Steve smoked a cigar and
rocked in the rocking chair. the bell kept ringing. St. Anthony, the black cat, cruised the area every half hour. John wrote up one sale after another. the people who came all made purchases. we were grateful.
i was glad i did do what i said i would do.
this third quilt show was the best one so far,
and it almost didn’t happen..