i read uplifting literature each day.
i avoid spending much time with people who complain.
i avoid negative output in the media.
my time is valuable.
i use it to focus on positive images.
i refuse to be “dumped on” with negativity.
i attract positive new ideas.
i attract positive purpose-oriented people.
i have an enthusiastic outlook.
i never carelessly spend time with negative people.
i shift my “self-instructions” whenever appropriate
to produce the results i desire.
i groom myself mentally and physically as a winner each day.
i no longer waste energy on things that don’t matter.
i am on-purpose, moving forward each day.
each day, i show up as vital and lively.
i am effective and i can be counted on to enable others.
i produce the results desired.
i read daily so that i am moved to success.
i listen to effective words in cd’s often.
i choose friends and associates that are uplifting.
a balanced state creates more energy daily.
i am a winner, contributor, achiever, and full partner.
i move steadily from where i am to where i want to be.
i am no longer sidetracked by my senses.