
Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax, VT 05454

corrections                                                                               June 29, 2008

they say my past life was obsessed with professional victories and honors…that this was my main goal in that life
and that in this life i can balance my accounts.

this is good to read, because for the time i spend on various relationships,
i had been telling myself i was using that to keep me from doing better work. people around me were saying,
“you are too involved in family caretaking, etc.” they were
urging me to get to work instead, but something kept on telling me, and continues to tell me, to keep on with my family projects any way. that’s what i am doing. my counsel tells me that i can relinquish the notions that professional victories, social importance and my reputation are keys to my happiness.

my correction points me to another goal of having a warm home to share with others and the wonder of generosity in these
loving relationships of dedication and devotion…instead of social success and ego-gratifying professional status.
somehow this information, even though i hadn’t seen it, seemed to go ahead of me and make my way clear. i left college early and have always preferrecl to work with small groups on my own turf. when someone told me not to cook or include meals in
my classes, i said , “it’s the way i want to work with geople.
to nurture them with good food as well as with good information and practices.”

i will continue to work in this appropriate way for my correction and spend more time developing closer relationships with family and colleagues. flexibility and generosity bring satisfaction to
a person with my corrections. not social importance.
i will continue to remember this.
incorporating these lessons does take time.

