changed by gratitude

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Road
Fairfax, VT 05454

changed by gratitude                                        march 11, 2009

i am changed by my gratitude because it links me in beneficent accord

with what has helped me. when i remember how i have been contributed to, my mood can never be resentful or depressed.

instead, i am held into a larger circle of support and recognition.

i am changed by focusing thoughts and feelings there.

when i entertain a track of dreaded feelings and expectations by myself alone…it’s like my cat hiding by himself alone under the quilt on the bench in the library downstairs.

no one even knows he is there. he is feeling depressed because it’s snowing and he can’t go out.

he just wants to sleep, but until he comes out and shows himself, nothing better can happen because no one even knows where he is, never mind how he is ,

never mind how anything could go better. when he comes out, he gets connected.

