Dealing with Change Dealing with Change * luminous being many times occurs from being broken open by change! * it's possible to walk into what seems darkness and trust...
MANY MIGHTY MIRACLES MANY MIGHTY MIRACLES There is an Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Omniscience of Intelligence. It is all in all. We are part of all in all. Creation...
Don’t Worry No matter what anything looks Like Don’t Worry No matter what anything looks Like (Revised Psalm 37) Don’t worry incessantly about incongruity or lack of integrity. Wrongdoers wither...
Good is Assured Good is Assured God is all in all. Good is natural. i am part of all that is... The Intelligence of galactic law and my Intelligence are the same...
Good Will for All, WHEREVER WE ARE Good Will for All, WHEREVER WE ARE • the force of JOY abounds... all suffering is removed. • the poor discover wealth. • the powerless find power. •...
People are Blessed People are Blessed • A SENSE OF BEING BELOVED IS AVAILABLE TO ALL • i am part of providing loving care where i can... i am alert and awake with how...