Results: Affirmations

I am Integrity

I am Integrity what i think, say and do are congruent and cohesive. i am consistent in thought, word and deed i am dependable. i have reliable...

TODAY  affirmations

TODAY  affirmations TODAY energy is drawn from a superior SOURCE...
when i get quiet to recall THAT what is seen is not all there is..... i reveal a...

Letting go of old favorite problems

Letting go of old favorite problems today we let go of problems 
and find better things to do... if things are way too complicated 
the chance is...

When to fold

When to fold UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES i know when to hold... i know when to fold... TODAY I HAVE UNDERSTANDING THAT I HAVE one life, divine life...


I PROMISE TO FORGIVE i promise to forgive 
whatever hasn’t been forgiven... i am now forgiving it. whatever has contributed to:
 feelings of being...

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