can’t force gratitude

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Road
Fairfax, VT 05454

can’t force gratitude                                                                   march 25, 2009

life always goes better when I am feeling grateful…
i collect evidence that life is wonderful. obstacles fade away.
my focus is on looking at what works, and all of a sudden it shows up through my looking glass.
it was always there and i can only see what’s good when i am looking for it.
lately, one of my coaches has been helping me to remember
that I can’t make people want to see it, and I can’t make people want to graduate
to their next level of accomplishment either, unless they really want to. .
people wil only be grateful when they say, and me too,
i will only be grateful when i am ready to be open and permeable.
no one can do it for me.

