Bye Bye Yesterday
- today we are willing to let go of past pain, regret, aggravation and feelings that things should have been better.
- we are getting skillful at letting go… releasing what ever wants to do a drag down on enthusiasm.
- we drop it, all of it, cheerfully saying NO THANKS don’t choose it.
- replacing old rancor with refreshing LIGHT, and vivifying prospects… we move ahead into this summer with courageous actions.
- today we work, and rework, in the realms of creative imagination.
- we notice thoughts that occur and select only the ones that aim in chosen directions…
- good fortune finds fine spaces to occur, causing innovation where stagnation was… A wonderful new world comes about.
- new thoughts of abundance, joy and full participation keep happening.
- limitation is overcome… we conceive newly what’s possible and make it more , and more probable!!!!
- we allow ideas and beliefs to change, expanding what we create now.
- prosperity tools and ideas have a powerful ability to shift reality.
- accomplishing miraculous results, we move back and forth, from intangible ideas to many manifestations with intense thankfulness. We know what to do and we are doing it!
- great gratitude attracts exact excellent outcomes. we are so grateful…