brown eyes. brown pigtails
i remember a dream. i was 32 years old, looking in a dark hallway closet, in the winter. i saw brown moving-van blankets covering a little lump. when I uncovered it, it was a 12 year old girl,
with brown pigtails and brown eyes.
she looked up at me, deeply, and i saw she was myself, the little psychic child that had been hiding.
people were afraid of what she knew.
so was she.
her emergence began EXPLORATION, where EXPLANATION used-to-live.
EXPLANATION is a re-iterating of what i think something is…
based on what-i-already-know. there is no mystery or dark, that wouldn’t be remarked about,
with opinion in an EXPLANATION
EXPLANATION is like me covering everything with brown moving-van blankets, turning it to soil, earth, ground, and covered-down.
EXPLORATION is risky. no protection in it. one is out in the unknown, trying to make it known. looking around at the mystery of what hasn’t been seen, trying to see it and
tame the risk.
in EXPLORATION, like in a dark room, one must hesitate to get bearings… be able to become familiar with the lumps of space and density before trying to walk in it. little steps, lots-of-pauses, trying to feel when it can’t be seen
…feeling forward
…Intuiting first.