Attraction Increase Decree


God is all in all
God is the One Life, all present.. all knowing… all powerful life.
We live and move and have our being in this One Life.
We are the point where life causes form thru thought.
Now, old patterns have given way to refreshing new ones.
We are enthusiastic and aglow.
Our prayers have been answered…
We have accepted the answers. New alternatives are unfolding. We are making new choices.
We no longer settle for less than what’s appropriate.
We have left behind everything and everybody… that does not serve a Divine plan for us.
Everything moves forward. We let the good come in. We welcome the leading of great good.
Receptive hearts and minds love possibility. We enjoy a path of plenty…a path of increasing good.
Divine Intelligence has cleared the passage….
constant revelation happens, income increases…self changing is successful. We give thanks.
Love is enriching our nature… magnifying, purifying and elevating our nature.
Always there is good increase. Our intuition is one with light.
Our world is alive with Divine prospering… everyday bring greater good.
This word now goes forth to out picture, as manifestation. and so it is.

