a room with no floor  

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd.
Fairfax, VT 05454

a room with no floor                                                            April 13, 2004

up in the air in a room with no floor.
..that’s the way it will be for Annie, while Richard is putting in the new floor..
it’s really the way it is for all of us.
each morning we get up and recreate ourselves and everyone else anew,
or we remember…re-remember the same as yesterday.
this is done so often, we lost the memory of such an active role in it.

almost every day someone is sending a notice that if there isn’t a worldwide prayer vigil, the whole world will careen into ashes.
almost every day someone is so angry that they can’t see straight about something.
almost every day there is some new threat to someone, or something. ..

at the same time miracles, cures, over comings and victories abound.
each day i get to re-select where to focus.

it’s only up in the air until i bring it down to earth right where i am standing.
possibility is so much more than can be contained in the confines of one human life.

