a fly on the window

Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Road                                             March 20, 2003
Fairfax, VT 05454

a fly on the window

there’s a fly on the window and he is alive. that means spring is here because when the flies wake up, it all starts over again.
the surge that resurrects from the SOG has started.
the white snow covered hill is brown again and in some certain sections, even a mesh of green can be seen.

even though the fly is on the window, they are saying we might get snow this weekend.
that will be okay, because once you have seen a spring resurrected fly,
you know winter doesn’t have the hold anymore, even if it looks like that. ..
there is no power in the white snow now. its not piling up, its melting down.
its not getting more winter. its getting more summer.
no matter what is seems like, the wheel is turning to more light.

i think its like this in the world, too.
it seems like just another war.
it seems inevitable, but it isn’t.
people everywhere are saying, GOD BLESS HUMANITY.
where they used to say, GOD BLESS AMERICA.

