Toni Stone
401 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax, VT 05454
well, things change April 16, 2008
at my Boston hotel, across the street were birds, frogs, crickets, geese and a mini swamp by the commuter rail.
it seemed unfortunate that they went in and made a Costco behind the swamp, but the geese didn’t mind too much,
some of them moved over to the fountain by the blood donation center on that back road.
we could still hear the crickets in the summer, the frogs in the spring, and the birds a lot of the time.
this month, we went back to our Boston hotel, after missing three months of work there.
what a surprise. the swamp was gone. in it’s place, nine hundred apartments in five-story units,
as ugly as card board boxes. no birds, no frogs and plenty of parking lots.
we drove over to the Keldara Salon so i could get a haircut on thursday. Steve let me off where the door is.
there was no door there. i walked down to the next store, it had become part of the salon, but there was no door there.
i kept on walking to the next store, no door, and the next store where i did find finally a door. walking in,
i found a cafe with biscotti, salads, chips, sandwiches and coffee.
i thought, “this must not be the Keldara Salon,” but it was, well, things change.
my haircutter had twenty-nine other haircutters to compete with. there was a gazebo with perfume for sale
and a fake porch with real rocking chairs, my haircutter was a three minute walk away.
i needed a guide to get to her.
our hotel suite, which used to be air force blue with bees on the curtains, is now lime green with a three foot stripe
down the center of the white curtains. what were they thinking?
all around everything was shifted.
it was like walking into someone else’s movie but it is still my life.
things change, it’s spring. it’s okay, i got it.